About James

I grew up in a very conservative tradition. I left that conservatism, which no longer resonated with me. I believe I now live a much deeper, more caring, and more practical way of BE-ing in this world.
I’m committed to being open-minded to your needs and beliefs without bias. Sure, I’m a professional but I love having fun too. I love laughter and believe it’s needed in ALL of my ceremonies.
I live in beautiful British Columbia’s Central Vancouver Island area with my Dachshund (wiener dog), Finnegan. But I do travel up and down the Island for ceremonies.
I believe that I have the best job in the world!
Once we start working together I’ll take the time to get to know you and we’ll co-create YOUR ceremony done your way.
Contact me to set a time for your in-person or virtual complimentary consultation. You can contact me through many of the points listed here, or simply by filling in my contact form.
Now for the boring bits!
- Certified Master Life-Cycle Celebrant® (2021) – Celebrant Foundation & Institute
- LGBTQIA2S+ Weddings (2016) – Celebrant Foundation & Institute
- Healing & Transitions Ceremonies (2016) – Celebrant Foundation & Institute
- Ordained Metaphysical Minister with CIMM (2015)
- Weddings (2015) – Celebrant Foundation & Institute
- Certified Life-Cycle Celebrant® (2013) – Celebrant Foundation & Institute
- Funerals (2013) – Celebrant Foundation & Institute
**I’ve been writing and officiating ceremonies for over 30 years. I am licensed to officiate legal marriages in British Columbia.